© 1996-Present, Scott Downs, All Rights Reserved



Suggestions?  Comments?  Tips in the form of small unmarked bills?  Write me!

The International Ford Retractable Club

The American Philatelic Society

A Few of Scott’s Favorite Websites

Text Box: The world would be a better place, if we could all remember these words:

The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time. 
Today is tomorrow, when thought of yesterday.
Anger is a chosen state.
Wherever you go, there you are.
If one never tells a lie, then one never has the burden of 
         remembering what one has said.
If one only worries about the things he can control, then he will 
          live his life with few worries. 
The decisions I make today and my expectations of tomorrow will 
          both affect my future.
Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God.
Enthusiasm is contagious, even if you have to fake it at times.
When I die, I hope I go peacefully in my sleep as my grandfather 
          did...not like the passengers in his car who were screaming their 
          fool heads off. 
Live, Love, and ……………………………….Laugh!

Best described as a computer nerd who has never had even fifteen seconds of fame, Scott does like to boast that he won a $15 prize at the age of 10 on the Foreman Scotty TV Show.  In fact, he mentions it five or six times a day.  If you mention how nice the weather is, he’ll reply:  ‘Yes, it’s nearly as nice as the day I won a $15 prize on Foreman Scotty’s TV Show.”  Very annoying.  Scott also bikes and tells Dad Jokes.  In fact, he does a lot of everything, including writing this bio in the third person, and making it sound as if someone else is writing it about him.  How pathetic is that!?!?!

Favorite Movies:


The Sting

My Life

Where The Red Fern Grows

Fiddler On The Roof

“Now, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa there, guy! “ -The immortal words of Wilson Lee



One-Armed Machine-Gun-Toting Nuns with Bad Habits

Nuns with Guns